Welcome to NDCDE! We are pleased to have you as a student! This may or may not be your first experience as an online learner so it is important to understand your role or at least renew your understanding. You are now learning in a virtual classroom where student centered, discovery learning will take place! This is an exciting change and it requires you the student to take greater accountability for your success. You can do this by scheduling a time and place to work every day, communicating with your teacher when you have questions and using your pacing chart to ensure timely progress.
You will be learning to ...
- Communicate with your teacher on a regular basis by means of ...
- Phone/Text
- Web Conferencing
- Navigate through the course
- Operate interactive learning activities
- Submit your homework online
- Within your course you will find:
- Grades
- Teacher feedback
- Pacing chart
To be a successful online learner, communication is the key! You and your instructor will utilize four basic methods of communication throughout the class. These include email, phone/text and web conferencing or face-to-face computer interaction